130 aircraft in 12 categories
The excellence
All weight categories
24/7, Go where you want
Flexible pricing
Easily & Quickly
Customized flights
All your events
With exclusive services
Ready to fly on demand
We take them everywhere
Confidential & Privacy
24/7, 365 days
Offshore or Onshore
And travel agencies
To +300 destinations
With corporate services
Your own airline
+ 110 and growing
300 destinations worldwide
All flying machines
Highest quality selection
Magnificent luxury villas
Customized luxury travel
Exclusive & Memorable
To meet your every need
Tailor-made solutions
Highly Customized
Long, medium, short haul
In all 8 categories
Fast and modular
In 4 weight categories
New & Used aircraft
Acquisition & Sales
To identify your ideal aircraft
Leases, loans, business credits
To simplify aircraft financing
Fly Swixjet
Our commitments
A culture of excellence
Always looking for talents
Sustainable Flights
+ Upcoming events
Passion & Dedication
Frequently asked questions
For a better knowledge
Look forward to meet you