Santiago, a city cradled by the Andes, unfolds as a metropolis where history meets the vibrancy of South American culture. Amidst the bustling markets and neoclassical architecture, the spirit of Chile pulsates through the veins of its capital.
Cobblestone streets of the Lastarria neighborhood echo with the melodies of street musicians, while the hillsides reveal the sprawling cityscape. Santiago's soul resides in its museums, where the Mapuche heritage and Pablo Neruda's poetic legacy breathe life into the canvas of this cosmopolitan enclave.
A city where vineyards meet the urban sprawl, Santiago invites travelers to savor its rich blend of tradition and modernity.
Santiago experiences a Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. The backdrop of the Andes contributes to a stunning cityscape, where clear skies and cultural vibrancy converge.
Services provided by Swixjet Lifestyle Club
For members only: T. +41 21 558 38 77
Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile