Lapland, a realm of Arctic enchantment, whispers tales of the northern lights dancing across its velvety winter skies. Beyond the Arctic Circle, this mystical expanse embraces pristine wilderness and timeless Sami traditions.
Reindeer sleds glide through Narnia-like landscapes, and the call of huskies echoes in snowy silence. Rovaniemi, the official hometown of Santa Claus, offers a magical gateway. In summer, the midnight sun illuminates endless fells and sparkling lakes.
Lapland, a poetic symphony of icy wonders and warm hospitality, invites travelers to unearth the secrets of the North, where nature paints the most breathtaking canvas.
Rovaniemi Airport (RVN/EFRO) - Approximately 8 km north of Rovaniemi, the capital of Lapland.
Lapland experiences a subarctic climate with cold winters and short, cool summers. The region is known for its snowy landscapes, particularly during the winter months, making it a winter wonderland.
Services provided by Swixjet Lifestyle Club
For members only: T. +41 21 558 38 77
Lapland, Finland