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Kenya gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1963. In August 2010, Kenyans overwhelmingly adopted a new constitution in a national referendum. The new constitution introduced additional checks and balances to executive power and devolved power and resources to 47 newly created counties.

  • National Parks of Nairobi,
  • Tsavo,
  • Lake Nakuru;
  • National Reserves of Maasai Mara,
  • Amboseli,
  • Samburu,
  • Shaba,
  • Buffalo Springs;
  • Thimlich Ohinga Archaeological Site,
  • beaches near Malindi and Diani
  • Private Jets, Helicopters and Airliners
  • Finest Onboard Catering
  • Ground Transport and Yachts
  • Luxury Villa & House Rentals
  • Local Guide & 24/7 Assistance
  • Customized Global Services
  • The State's Capital
  • Time Zone
    UTC +3
  • Telephone Code
  • Total Area
    580 367 Km2
  • Population
    57 052 004 (2023 est.)
  • Main Languages
    English, Kiswahili
  • Currency
    Kenyan shillings (KES)
  • GDP Per Capita
    USD 4700
  • Airports

    Varies from tropical along coast to arid in interior

    Kikuyu 17.1%, Luhya 14.3%, Kalenjin 13.4%, Luo 10.7%, Kamba 9.8%, Somali 5.8%, Kisii 5.7%, Mijikenda 5.2%, Meru 4.2%, Maasai 2.5%

    Giving gifts with the left hand is considered taboo; use your right hand or both hands.

    Ugali nyama choma na kachumbari — maize meal, grilled meat, and an onion-and-tomato salsa

    Fast growing, third largest Sub-Saharan economy; strong agriculture and emerging services and tourism industries; current account deficit and high debt; broadband and mobile-money platform investments; surging inflation due to oil and food hikes; new investor-friendly incentives; environmentally fragile economy

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