In the heart of the French Alps, Courchevel unfolds like a snow-laden fairytale, a pristine tableau of alpine grandeur that beckons the intrepid traveler.
Its slopes, cloaked in winter's embrace, reveal a world where snowflakes dance in the crisp mountain air.
Beyond the famed ski resorts, Courchevel whispers tales of rustic charm in its cobbled streets, offering a refuge for those seeking both the thrill of the slopes and the warmth of alpine hospitality—a symphony of snow-kissed peaks, enchanting chalets, and a timeless allure that captivates the soul.
Courchevel experiences a subarctic climate with cold winters and mild summers. The winter season blankets the region with deep snow, creating an idyllic setting for winter sports enthusiasts.
Services provided by Swixjet Lifestyle Club
For members only: T. +41 21 558 38 77
Courchevel, Savoie, France